In Canada, 22% of the population self identify as having a disability. That means that 6 million people in our country have different experiences [...]
The Advocacy Toolkit
Annelies2024-03-18T21:03:22-04:00The Advocacy Toolkit is our one-stop-shop for punchy communications so that your team is always ready to make the case for an Intersectional Feminist [...]
An Intersectional Feminist Recovery Toolkit for Municipalities
Annelies2024-03-18T20:53:11-04:00Building a Municipal Gendered Recovery Plan for All
How City Government Works
Annelies2022-10-24T13:24:11-04:00Ottawa City Council Standing Committees The City Standing Comittees Council and standing committee meetings When Council meets Open to the public Advisory Committees The City's Advisory Committee [...]