
About Annelies

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So far Annelies has created 12 blog entries.
30 05, 2024

Annual General Meeting


Join us for our 6th AGM as we celebrate our latest year! We are happy to introduce the candidates for our 2024 Board of Directors, put forward by the Board Nomination Circle. To view the candidates’ bios, please use the link below. Jun 27 | Rideau Community Hub Nominees Standing for election Bonnie Schroeder Hodan Egale Maria Paula Members standing for re-election Darlene Kaboni Nayeli Sosa Slate of Candidates Register

Annual General Meeting2024-05-30T15:24:30-04:00
15 06, 2023

Nominate a community leader to the Caroline Andrew Civic Engagement Award


CAWI has the honour to announce the first Caroline Andrew Civic Engagement Award, named after one of our co-founders, Caroline Andrew. Caroline was a a firm believer in the power of community mobilization to bring about change in society. In this spirit, Caroline and Fran Klodawsky, Professor Emeritus at Carleton University, obtained a one-year research grant to determine barriers to city decision-making faced by the full diversity of women. After that,  the countless connections that Caroline provided at the local, national and international level that laid a solid foundation for the organization that CAWI would become. To commemorate her legacy, CAWI will [...]

Nominate a community leader to the Caroline Andrew Civic Engagement Award2023-09-21T16:11:56-04:00
5 06, 2023

CAWI hosts public consultation for the City’s first Anti-Racism Strategy


The City of Ottawa will officially launch its first Anti-Racism Strategy soon in the spring, and CAWI is the host of one of this sessions! The community townhall is part of the City’s effort to demonstrate transparency, accountability, collaboration, and trust building with community members, leaders and organizations. It aims to communicate with the community its commitment to anti-racism and the journey ahead to integrate racial equity into all City operations. Come learn about the strategy and give your opinion on Wednesday, June 14th, from 4:30 t0 6:30 PM, at Rideau Community Hub - former Rideau High School (815 Saint Laurent [...]

CAWI hosts public consultation for the City’s first Anti-Racism Strategy2023-06-05T11:19:07-04:00
1 02, 2023

Moving towards a Distributed Leadership Model


Intersectional feminism describes how our overlapping identities - gender, race, language, class, ability, sexual orientation, to name a few - impact how we experience oppression, power and discrimination. As intersectional feminists, we want to make Ottawa better for everyone by making sure it is better for people who live at the intersections of various forms of oppression. For example, our advocacy on the City’s Official Plan this past year was successful in directing language changes that will result in more equitable policies. With the Envirocentre, we created an accessibility toolkit for climate organizations to help them be more inclusive. We developed [...]

Moving towards a Distributed Leadership Model2023-02-01T11:41:38-05:00
7 11, 2022

CAWI stories: a woman fighting hunger, one bag at a time


With CAWI since 2004, Cathy Hamilton is always present at the civic engagement tables – Making Voices Count and Maamawe – and last year she started a remarkable volunteer project, the Clementine Towers Food Pantry. The pantry delivers fresh produce and grocery items for the residents of Clementine Towers, in Heron Park, every Thursday. After trying to pick up items at the nearest food bank for her neighbours and learning that each person needed to go there, Cathy had the idea. “Many neighbours have mobility impairments, and two kilometers is too far for them to walk. I couldn’t stand to see [...]

CAWI stories: a woman fighting hunger, one bag at a time2022-11-07T15:23:50-05:00
2 11, 2022

Support the Starts With Home campaign to end Ottawa’s housing crisis


Ottawa’s housing crisis is alive and kicking. Despite the past success of our It’s Time For Action campaign, the government needs to do more to meet the needs of our communities. Minimum wage earners in our city need to spend almost 70% of their income on rent. And there are over 12,500 people on the waitlist for subsidized housing. This crisis is a failure of society, not individuals. No person is to blame for being homeless and everyone has a right to housing. We invite you to help us endorse Starts With Home – a non-partisan campaign to mobilize public and [...]

Support the Starts With Home campaign to end Ottawa’s housing crisis2022-11-04T14:41:30-04:00
2 11, 2021

It’s Time for Action beats its $12 million goal for affordable housing


It’s Time for Action was a highly successful campaign run by CAWI through our Making Voices Count program. The campaign aimed to make affordable housing a priority in Ottawa’s 2019 city budget. We asked the government to: Invest $12 million over and above federal and provincial grants to create new deeply affordable housing. Pass a citywide zoning by-law that ensured 25% of new development is dedicated to affordable housing, with an emphasis on housing within 1 km of rapid transit stations. Ensure that all available government-owned land within 1 km of current and future rapid transit stations is used for non-profit [...]

It’s Time for Action beats its $12 million goal for affordable housing2022-11-03T16:24:48-04:00
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