Presenting CAWI's Policy Paper on Caring Cities! CAWI’s Caring Cities initiative is an approach to 15-minute neighbourhoods, urban planning and policy which will guide CAWI’s [...]
Accessibility & Inclusion Toolkit for Organizations
Annelies2023-02-02T09:41:38-05:00In Canada, 22% of the population self identify as having a disability. That means that 6 million people in our country have different experiences [...]
The Advocacy Toolkit
Annelies2024-03-18T21:03:22-04:00The Advocacy Toolkit is our one-stop-shop for punchy communications so that your team is always ready to make the case for an Intersectional Feminist [...]
An Intersectional Feminist Recovery Toolkit for Municipalities
Annelies2024-03-18T20:53:11-04:00Building a Municipal Gendered Recovery Plan for All
Gendered Recovery Report
Annelies2024-03-18T21:02:06-04:00CAWI offers a five-point recovery plan for the City of Ottawa using an intersectional gendered lens.
Planning for equitable and inclusive cities
A Place To Call Home
Annelies2022-10-25T20:08:51-04:00This report offers insights provided by the 130 people in attendance, combined with supplementary research, so as to inform the refresh of the City of Ottawa 10 Year Housing and Homelessness Plan.
Transportation Equity – Community Conversations
Annelies2022-10-25T20:06:40-04:00This report aims to inform transportation actions that will contribute to a city for all.
Advancing Gender Equity in the City of Ottawa
Annelies2022-10-25T19:52:09-04:00This report provides background for the City of Ottawa and the community as we work together to achieve results.
Creating a City for All 2018
Annelies2022-11-07T19:56:58-05:00A resource to help engage with the 2018 municipal elections