Community Impact Report
CAWI is a unique collaborative of women from diverse communities, organizations, and academia working with Ottawa decision makers to create a more inclusive city and promote gender equality. Since 2004, CAWI has been making a difference in women’s lives, in our communities, our city and beyond.
To work toward our vision of a city where all women are included, CAWI draws upon the knowledge and experience of women across diversity. These women learn from one another to carry out research in the community, collaborate to prob- lem solve, and work with community partners to bring about positive change.
We recognize that as cities assume more responsibility in the provision of services, they are increasingly important in making decisions that affect our everyday lives.
We believe that cities can become better places to live when the ideas and concerns of the full diversity of women are taken into account.
We understand that some women (i.e. Aboriginal, immigrants, Francophones, racialized, women living on low-income and women with disabilities) face additional challenges in having their experiences valued and understood.