It’s Time for Action was a highly successful campaign run by CAWI through our Making Voices Count program. The campaign aimed to make affordable housing a priority in Ottawa’s 2019 city budget.

We asked the government to:

  • Invest $12 million over and above federal and provincial grants to create new deeply affordable housing.
  • Pass a citywide zoning by-law that ensured 25% of new development is dedicated to affordable housing, with an emphasis on housing within 1 km of rapid transit stations.
  • Ensure that all available government-owned land within 1 km of current and future rapid transit stations is used for non-profit and co-op housing.
  • Create a 2019-2022 Term of Council Priority that integrates transit and planning with clear and affordable housing targets.

The campaign received an incredible amount of support. People from a diversity of communities across Ottawa signed our petition, wrote to representatives, and attended rallies, forums and consultations.

The result was that the mayor dedicated $15 million to affordable housing in city budgets between 2018 and 2021. This was $3 million more each year than we’d asked for!

A huge thanks to our volunteers, members, partners and staff, as well as many members of the public and city decision makers for making our campaign such a great success. Our work is made possible through the support of people like you.

We welcome you to get involved in our ongoing advocacy and actions to build a more inclusive, equitable and just Ottawa.

See our current campaigns